
Showing posts from March, 2023


  Parenting is a very controversial topic. There are many different opinions on what the best way would be to parent your kids. There is “gentle parenting” that has caught a lot of attention recently. There is also the psychologic four different kind of parenting. It can be hard to know what the best way is to parent your kids. There is also not one way that is the best it depends on your family circumstances.   First, I am going to discuss the different types of parenting from a phycologist point of view. The first type of parenting is authoritative. This is said the be the “best” kind of parenting. According to my developmental psychology textbook (The development of the Lifespan by Laura Berk) say that authoritative parenting is “involves high acceptance and involvement, adaptive control techniques, and appropriate autonomy granting. Authoritative parents are warm, attentive, and sensitive to their child’s needs. They establish an enjoyable, emotionally fulfilling parent–child relat

Money and Marriage

  How important is money in marriage? According to Elder Marvin J. Ashton thinks it is incredibly important. In One for the Money Guide to Family finance he says “How important are money management and finances in marriage and family affairs? May I respond, tremendously. The American Bar Association has indicated that 89 percent of all divorces can be traced to quarrels and accusations over money. Others have estimated that 75 percent of all divorces result from clashes over finances. Some professional counselors indicate that four out of five families are strapped with serious money problems.” When preparing for marriage and while focusing on the stability of your marriage it is important to highly consider how finances can affect and or hinder your relationship. Getting advice from a trusted and educated source can help to make sure that you are on the right track.   People can have many different kinds of financial struggles. Some of these can include, lack of money, poor communicat


  Family life can become very busy and hectic especially when the family starts to grow and get bigger. There can be many things that need to be accomplished in a day and it is important to maintain good communication in the family. There are many things that need to be talked about and some of those things include finances, daily tasks, work responsibilities, and family expectations.               One way to help communication is to know and use the different steps to resolve conflict. There are seven steps that can help with resolving conflict. These steps are first, identify and define the issue. This can help with making sure that everyone is one the same page and are focused on reach a solution. The second step is being a team when it comes to working through the issue. The third step is to understand the issue completely. The fourth step is to identify the wants of all members of the family, including yourself, the family, and a couple. The fifth step is brainstorm and create opt

Stress in the Family

This week’s topic is stress in the family. There are many kinds of stress that can happen in people’s lives. Some stressful events are money problems, family members injury or death, bills, work problems, and unemployment. These are only a few of the different things that could cause major stress on your family.        There are others factor that are important to consider when dealing with family stress. One of those factors is the fact the people react to stress differently. People also deal with stress very differently. So, when dealing with family stress it is important to take into consideration the different ways that your family will need to cope and try to understand the situation that is causing stress to the family. Another aspect of stress to think about it how some events can cause major stress to a family when that same stress will not cause stress to a different family.      The textbook Lauer & Lauer, Chapter 13 - Family Crisis explains this well by saying “What is t