
 Family life can become very busy and hectic especially when the family starts to grow and get bigger. There can be many things that need to be accomplished in a day and it is important to maintain good communication in the family. There are many things that need to be talked about and some of those things include finances, daily tasks, work responsibilities, and family expectations. 

            One way to help communication is to know and use the different steps to resolve conflict. There are seven steps that can help with resolving conflict. These steps are first, identify and define the issue. This can help with making sure that everyone is one the same page and are focused on reach a solution. The second step is being a team when it comes to working through the issue. The third step is to understand the issue completely. The fourth step is to identify the wants of all members of the family, including yourself, the family, and a couple. The fifth step is brainstorm and create options that would help to resolve the problem. The sixth step is to choose a plan of action. It is important to make sure that everyone is involved in the decision of what to do. The seventh and final step is to put the plan into actions. 

            Communication is so important in the family to make sure that there is not conflict and that if there is it can be solved. In a talk given by M Russell Ballard titled Strength in Counsel says, “I have no hesitancy in giving you the assurance, if you will confer in council as you are expected to do, God will give you solutions to the problems that confront you.” I think that is great advice. When we involve Heavenly Father in our decisions, we are able to receive in finding solutions. I know when we involve Heavenly Father, we are able to get the answers and solutions that can lead us to the places that we are supposed to go. 

             M. Russell Ballard also said that “Ideally, all members of any Church or any family council should share their concerns and should suggest solutions based on gospel principles.” There are certain circumstances in which it is important to allow all members in the family to be involved in the problem solving. In situations that could greatly affect the family it is important to let the family come together and find solutions. In the end it will be the parent’s decision of what to do but letting the family be part of the decision will help make sure that feel involved. When I was a sophomore in high school my parents were trying to decide if we should move all the way across the United States. I remember when they sat us down and talked to us about what we thought was a good idea. I knew that in the end it would be my parent’s decision but talking about it as a family helped us to become closer. I felt that my parents were really listening to all of our opinions and take them into consideration. I think that this is a big part is making sure you take all the opinions into considerations. 

            In the end, communication is a huge part of making a marriage and family successful. All of the members in the family opinions are important and should be involved in the decision making. The steps to resolving conflict can also be helpful in having good communication. Finding out what works for your family is important as well. Each family is different but can find ways to make communication work.   


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