Intimate relationships in marriage
This week I am going to be talking about how to better your relationship within a marriage. I will be using a lot of my information from the article raising the bar on intimate relationships by Laura M Brotherson. In this article she talks about how it can be hard to find the right balance in a marriage and what a healthy intimate relationship looks like. Brotherson says “Many husbands and wives struggle to understand what healthy sexuality really is. One wife said to me.” She gives most of her advice in a list of 10 things. Number one; accepting of the body. This is more gaged towards women because they tend to have more body issues, but it is important for both the husband and the wife to be able to except their bodies. If they don’t it can cause feelings of not wanting to have an intimate relationship with each other. Number two; affection for its own sake. This one talks about how it is important to have physical touch in a marriage that does not lead to having ...