
Showing posts from February, 2023

Intimate relationships in marriage

  This week I am going to be talking about how to better your relationship within a marriage. I will be using a lot of my information from the article raising the bar on intimate relationships by Laura M Brotherson. In this article she talks about how it can be hard to find the right balance in a marriage and what a healthy intimate relationship looks like. Brotherson says “Many husbands and wives struggle to understand what healthy sexuality really is. One wife said to me.” She gives most of her advice in a list of 10 things.   Number one; accepting of the body. This is more gaged towards women because they tend to have more body issues, but it is important for both the husband and the wife to be able to except their bodies. If they don’t it can cause feelings of not wanting to have an intimate relationship with each other.   Number two; affection for its own sake. This one talks about how it is important to have physical touch in a marriage that does not lead to having sex. She gives

Engagement and Weddings

  This week’s topic is weddings and engagements. This is a very exciting thing to talk about because a lot of people think about getting engaged and married for a very long time. Every girl wants their dream engagement and wedding, right? But is it really worth it to have this huge elaborate wedding if it will put a strain on your brand-new marriage.   Let’s first start with getting engaged. When you get engaged it should be a step up in the relationship, a promise. This promise should be that you will be getting married and be married for the rest of your lives. I feel like lately people like people are on either side of the extreme. They either get engaged and then after deciding if that is really what they want that or not. Or on the other side they will start planning a wedding and everything before they even get engaged. If people are doing this stuff what if the point of even getting engaged? Just for the pictures?   Now comes the wedding. Weddings can cause a lot of stress betwe

Dating and Marriage

Dating and Marriage   This week the topic was how dating can affect the way your marriages go. We also talked about how dating has changed a lot and it is not for the better. One of the major things that I thought was important to talk about is the transition between dating and hanging out. A quote from Elder Dallin H Oaks says “Knowledgeable observers report that dating has nearly disappeared from college campuses and among young adults generally. It has been replaced by something called “hanging out.” You young people apparently know what this is, but I will describe it for the benefit of those of us who are middle-aged or older and otherwise uninformed. Hanging out consists of numbers of young men and young women joining together in some group activity. It is very different from dating.” This is so true in college today. People just hang out they don’t actually go on dates. I feel like you can only learn so much from just hanging out with out creating diversity in your situation you

Gender Differences

This week I was reading and studying about the difference between men and women and the effects on the family. I would like to start off by saying that I know everyone is different and all people have different circumstances. Not everyone is going to "fit" in this generalization but for the most part it is accurate to some extent.  Let's first start off by talking about the specific things that are different about women in general. Women tend to develop more quickly, they are more nurturing, have better fine motor skills, and are better with communication. One example of this in little girls is the fact that at times little girls will cradle and rock their toys even if they are not dolls. Women also tend to be more cooperative and have relationship orientation. Relationship orientation is when they relate things to other things to explain them. For example, when a woman is giving directions most of the time they will say turn right when you get to this store or go till yo